Sunday, January 06, 2008

Music Notes

  • In a 180 degree turn Fuse has agreed to show good music for one hour a day when they broadcast the BBC's legendary Later... With Jools Holland at 1 PM Monday thru Friday. It's an incredible reversal for the cable network, and one that cannot possibly last for long (I mean, can Fuse fans actually stand one hour of good music a day?), but for now my TiVO is humming daily for this excellent program. You can't go wrong with a show that in two broadcasts featured Foo Fighters, Arcade Fire, The Bravery, KD Lang, Mc Solaar, and Mercury Rev (Jools also had the Black Eyed Peas on, but I really don't to talk about it)... and the show still waiting for me on the TiVO's got Interpol, Bloc Party, and a chat with (Pink Floyd's) Nick Mason. Booyah. Enjoy it while you can.
  • Maybe when it gets axed by Fuse BBCAmerica will pick it up? Come on BBCAmerica!
  • I was talking with the man JV and we are both in agreement: we will buy tickets if Todd Rundgren swings back through town as rumor has it he will.
  • And speaking of rumors, Zeppelin tour rumors are abounding, with the current talk being that Plant has finally relented and agreed to do it, and that it will happen.
  • Interpol's nifty 6 song Interpol Live ep is excellent stuff. No old stuff, but the stuff from their latest albums really crank and sparkle with evil delight. I gotta say that I'm a big fan of these "Support Your Indy Record Store" ep's that bands like Interpol and TV on the Radio have put out recently. Not only do I get to SUPPORT MY LOCAL INDY RECORD STORE but I get some spiffy live recordings that I wouldn't have otherwise. Everybody wins.

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