Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Horsepower

The new series/season of BBC America's Top Gear began with an absolutely brilliant episode that featured Dame Helen Mirren likening host/prat Jeremy Clarkson to Paris Hilton (point taken) and being cool in the Big Star in the Reasonably Priced Car segment and a quest for the perfect driving road in Europe that was both hilarious and exhilharating. I'm not even a car guy and my heart was totally racing a kilometer a minute as those three clowns raced their ludicrus (yet thoroughly cool) supercars across the Alps. OK, it's true host/prat Jeremy Clarkson slags off America at least once an episode... but even my Republican buddy laughs so hey- it's all good fun (that and they were almost shot during their last sojurn in our fine country).

And next week they're back on the water turning cars into boats that always (always) sink. You really can't go wrong.

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