Saturday, January 21, 2006

I am a total pervert (cleaning off the TiVO)

Yikes. The OC's Caitlyn (?) Cooper sure ain't Cousin Norbert; in fact I suspect she might be closer to Worf joining the cast of Deep Space Nine- tearing and shaking ____ up, and next week she's gonna get a stressed out Seth stoned. Man, and boy is she going to be trouble for noble Johnny the existential surfer dude. But really, it's all a ruse, it's really all about the outfits: the Britney Spears classic schoolgirl, the black number, hell, every scene. I'm just a total perv; thankfully I also perv on this week's MILF-A-RAMA: Kiki, Cruella DeVille, and Julie, who I will now name: Black Mamba as now she's angling to marry Summer's dad (Michael Nuri- hilarious). The show's bloody brilliant. Plus, I liked how they broke up Summer's dad and Cruella DeVille by feeding info to Cruella's daughter (the reformed Taylor Townsend) that Summer's Dad voted for John Kerry, a plot that precisely and totally chased Cruella out of the picture.

Clark's about to tell Lana Lang that he's not from around here on Smallville, and I still think Pa Kent is gonna DIE on next week's 100th episode. This show is HOT, burning with mythos, and either way it's about to burn hotter.

This week's Office was profound, again, this time chronicling among other things corporate pursuit of a sick employee (Boss Michael to lackey Dwight: "I want you to drop what you are doing and make this your top priority"), and the airing of a secret to an office full of people who spend more time with those people than with their other people (friends, family)... always a tough one. Funny and true.

I watched BSG before I passed out last night and it was good, but will have to be watched again.

Now, a mission to buy a new television.

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