Sunday, March 19, 2006

For the Record

- I sort of like the recent Tony Stark redesign of Spider-Man's costume: the gadgets are cool and all but the colors are a little too Iron Man (Tony Stark). It is totally cool however that Tony Stark has hired Peter Parker to be his Number 1 Man, at least temporarily because you know it can't possibly last.

- The BBC update of Doctor Who is swell, and that's coming from somebody whose never really seen Doctor Who before. What can I say, Star Wars ruined cheesy sci fi for me until I got old enough to appreciate camp and the black leather boots on female Enterprise crew members, and frankly I don't think it's been on Channel 17 in ages. The Doctor is cool and Billie Piper I can watch for hours, and I can totally see why Buffy and Angel did so well over the pond, without the whimsical Britishness. It's fun, cheesy, cool, and I'm glad they got it on the Sci-Fi channel for a couple of weeks.

- I don't really like it when it's this cold on parade day.

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