Saturday, February 11, 2006


Bogarted from The WNY Progess Report Blog (it's Saturday, I'm lazy, and I'm about to watch the last 4 episodes of Arrested Development, so sue me):

I Do Not Want To Live In A Country Without Grease
February 11th, 2006 by Cliff

And that’s coming from somebody who really can’t stand Grease (frankly Grease makes my spine itch). I mean come on people, it’s one thing for conservatives to venerate 1950’s America as some sort of halcyon age for “traditional American values” (without the whole “union’s at their height of power” aspect of course), but this sort of thing, banning Grease and Miller’s The Crucible … this makes the “Culture War” scary.

Trying to put the kibosh on Deep Throat is one thing, that's got outright fornication and seditious talk about the female orgasm; but Grease? File that under WTF and I Don't Think So because that's just fucked up.

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