Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hot Tips

Sex, death, violence, love, guns, Mickey Rourke, exotic dancers, kung fu, Rosario Dawson in bondage gear, stylized comic book violence that translates into breathtaking cinema, Jessica Alba's ass, drugs, blood and guts loyalty, hookers, thugs, serial killers, cannibal bishops, dinosaurs, hallucinations, jailbait, Quentin Tarantino, hot cars, sexy get-ups, the "best sport ever" Carla Gugino= Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's Sin City. And I look forward to watching the extended, unrated and recut version.

The best movie experiences since the first Kill Bill, a real kick in the junk.


Herc on AICN reports that Fox is rereleasing Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD cheap on May 30, Seasons 1-7 for $27.99 (cheaper if you jump on them immediately upon their release). Don't worry about me folks, I've already got my set- I know that Buffy was the best TV show ever and one of the greatest narrative achievements in the history of American letters and arts... I am already on all that, this tip is for you. It's the American Harry Potter* for god's sake, you owe it to yourselves, really.

* I'll elaborate on this more, eventually.

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