Sunday, December 18, 2005

Partisan Blogging

Liberals are just way cooler than conservatives; we're also much better looking. Example: the dowdy and dour conservative bird from the San Francisco Chronicle versus The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel on CNN this morning. Example II: the people I run with- frankly I think we're a fine looking bunch of people.

Right wing blogging is just a complete waste of time. Watching the dingus from equivocate and stand behind nothing he was saying on Reliable Sources was just pathetic. True bloggers shoot from the hip... and live and die by what they say, they don't hide and dance like Republicans; Hell, this is essentially what the "new media" is all about: letting it ALL hang out, and when more often than not yer right wing bloggers are just ball-less parrots spouting the party line there's really just no point to it.

Bill Clinton is a SEX IDOL by all reliable reports, lusted after by so many excellent, intelligent women during his recent Buffalo visit that it's clear his mojo is riding at an all time high. El Presidente on the other hand is lusted after by nobody, his mojo utterly kaput.

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