Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Vein of Stars Calling Out My Name

Listening to a new Flaming Lips album is like getting cosmic beams downloaded into your brain from the great ether: some of them pulsate in bright, beautiful forms immediately and tickle your tangible fancy on the first listen ("My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion"), some register but lay dormant until they explode in your ears and in your mind and become one of your favorite tracks on the album after a couple of listens ("Vein of Stars"), and some even don't rock you until the complexity and sheer beauty envelope you and tickles your fancy from then onward ("It Overtakes Me", "Haven't Got A Clue"). At War With The Mystics is another modern prog rock masterpiece, otherworldly ambitious rock ear candy that sweeps you up and sounds sooo, so good in the ear. I like the anthems ("The W.A.N.D.", "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song", the wonderfully Prince-esque "Free Radicals"), I love the soulful ballads ("The Sound of Failure", the super sweet "Mr. Ambulance Driver"), and I love the fact that you can take something from this album and use it in your life. Yes, like any Lips record there's some songs about death, but it's all about life and how to live it that the Lips are on about, and I thank them for it.

The Flaming Lips also make me proud to be an American.

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