Saturday, April 15, 2006

North Buffalo needs to get it's retard infestation under control pronto: the Burger King drive thru was stalled for 5 minutes (was it the retard in the red truck starting off into space or the retards manning the BK? You never can tell), and then it was the Boston Market drive thru with the retard who said "we'll be with you in a minute" and never came back. In both situations I said "FUCK IT!", and to those retards I say "FUCK YOU!"

Trust me folks, THIS is the great unspoken problem facing our nation, the sad retardification of the US of A. Where it will end nobody knows...

In non retard news the Good Friday fish fry last night at the Serbian American Club was muy bien, and the company was muy excellente. And for the record: Colter Bay has never been and will never ever be my kind of bar, no matter how good the company kept. That, is just the way it is.

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