Monday, April 10, 2006

Family Guy Just Sucks

This week's Simpsons was profound: Homer discovering that outsourcing is the key to solving every problem, the outsourced worker in the pro outsourcing movie being excited about having "more time to play the lottery- cha ching!", the Indian workers with degrees from M.I.T. now working in Burn's power plant (moved to Bangalore) pretending to take orders from ding dong Homer (not really), which inadvertantly deludes Homer into thinking he's Molaram and Col. Kurtz, Mac Guyver Richard Dean Anderson's Patty and Selma inspired danger/escape fetish, the fact that IBM's helpline, the Dallas Marriot's front desk and Miss Cleo's calls all being answered by Apu's, and a Bollywood musical finale all equal classic.

Also, all the jokes were germane to the plot, unlike any episode of The Family Guy.

South Park was not profound but was hilarious, and deserves our respect for shitting on Family Guy. Like Cartman I too get rubbed the wrong way when people act surprised when I say that I don't like Family Guy because it's allegedly "my" kind of funny; it's not funny, the jokes are interchangible, and it's just waaaay too derivative of The Simpsons to have any true merit with a bonafide, true Simpsons fan. I'm sorry, that's the way it is, and I will be rooting for Cartman next week in his continuing efforts to shut Family Guy down, even if The Simpsons shat on Family Guy first.

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