Saturday, October 01, 2005

"Serenity" = Pure Hargle Bargle

Boy I felt sorry for Joss Whedon when the 20th Century Fox drongos cancelled his "Firefly," to know that it was one of the best television shows ever, and to have it shitcanned by corporate dipsticks before it could even start, wow that had to hurt. And then of course being a neurotic artist, he couldn't let go of it, and then the legions of devoted spazes just had to run out and bought the DVD collection, giving another corporate dipstick the ludicrus idea that a canned tv show would be the basis for a movie, which brings me to "Serenity." God I wish I could recommend it to you but I just can't. It just doesn't work: the plot is a hodgepodge and thoroughly purfunctory mess, and unless you watched the show the characters are virtually impenitrable. Yes "Firefly" was groundbreaking tv; it's past / future /eastern /western /sci-fi pastiche was the perfect vehicle for getting down and dirty with the human condition- and the best fodder for dramatic tv ever (although it was also by turns hilarious, sexy, and profoundly observant too). And yes some of the story elements from "Serenity" would have made for a FINE second half of the first season (or second season, because Whedon works best with a large canvass), but in the end "Serenity" just doesn't cut it.

Now if it succeeds enough that they bring it back as a TV show... that would be OK.

1 comment:

Ro said...'re the SECOND blog that i've come across that didn't like serenity....and here i was thinking that would be a cool movie to watch....

thanks for the warning ;)

ro :)