Tuesday, October 04, 2005

If You Like To Laugh and You Don't Watch "Arrested Development" and "The Office" Than Honestly, You Don't Really Like To Laugh

Sorry but it's true: "Arrested Development" works on every level (visual comedy, irony, as post modern sitcom), and this year is even more gonzo than the first two put together (Super Dave Osbourne! Chachi replacing the Fonze!). Truly hilarious. "The Office" however is sublime; a life afirming half hour of comedy that is both wondrously observant and extraordinarily honest about people, the people we work with, and the people who boss us around (at work, or period). I've said it many times and I will say it again: if "The Office" gets cancelled it's because the office work boom of the 90's is over and not enough Americans work in offices anymore- the show's true audience, the folks who will probably recognize somebody they work with, and will laugh at them (truly cathartic).

Watch them both, repeatedly. Trust me on this folks.

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